April Showers: 6 Rainy Day Activities That Are Perfect for Seniors with Dementia

Thursday, April 09, 2020

April showers may bring May flowers, but they can also bring boring days for those cooped up inside. For seniors with dementia, rainy days can be extra gloomy and can cause boredom, confusion, fright (if your loved one is bothered by storms) and other unwanted behaviors. However, with a little bit of creativity, rainy days can be something you and your loved one look forward to.

“Just because it’s raining doesn’t mean you can’t have an enjoyable time together,” says Chrissy Ross, Executive Director of Bridges® by EPOCH at Mashpee. “Remember what’s important: mental stimulation, entertainment and opportunities to create meaningful moments. You don’t need to have sunny days, clear skies and perfect weather in order to do that.”

There are plenty of entertaining and effective activities for seniors with dementia to do when the storm clouds gather. Keep a few of these ideas in your back pocket to chase the gloom away when the skies darken next:

1. Play a board game.
Board games are a great way to pass the time – and best of all, there are plenty of old-school games that are engaging for those with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. You’ll want to avoid games that require a lot of strategy or complicated thinking, but classic games can provide the right level of stimulation without too much frustration. Bingo, Chutes and Ladders, dominoes or Tic-Tac-Toe are all great games that are all-ages and may spark memories from your loved one’s childhood.

2. Get some exercise.
Exercise is an important part of a daily routine, particularly because it helps seniors remain as healthy as possible. It also helps cognitive function, even helping those with dementia maintain current abilities and reduce the decline of others. Although rain means you may not be able to get in your nightly walk around the neighborhood, you can still find time to do 30 minutes of exercise inside the house. Gentle weight training or low-impact exercises like chair yoga are perfect exercises for rainy days. You can also transform your home into a fitness center by doing housework to burn off calories and build muscle.

3. Read a book out loud.
Reading a book is one of the best ways to relax and spend a rainy afternoon. It’s also one of the best ways to keep your mind active. Studies also show that reading can reduce stress levels by up to 68 percent. While your senior loved one with dementia may not be able to read a book alone, your reading out loud to them provides just as many benefits, if not more. Choose a classic book that you know they loved from their childhood, or choose something your book club has selected. You know your loved one best – pick a topic or story that you feel will be interesting and engaging to them.

4. Watch a favorite TV show or movie. 
Thanks to the wonders of Netflix and cable TV, it’s never been easier to stream your loved one’s favorite shows from their childhood – or a favorite movie. Pop some popcorn, dim the lights and grab some blankets and choose something that’s light-hearted and enjoyable for both you and your loved one.

5. Make a piece of art.
Crafts are always a welcome activity for those with dementia, and can make a rainy day fly by. Consider putting together a box of easy crafts so that you can easily get your loved one’s hands engaged. Modeling clay, yarn and craft paper activities, transforming items into decorative items and easy sewing activities are all good options. Activities that are similar to ones they loved in the past will be the most meaningful and enjoyable. You can help with the parts of the craft that are difficult for your loved one, like cutting pieces or threading a needle. Remember that repetitive tasks can be just as fun as a craft project – sorting buttons or silverware can give your loved one a sense of purpose just as much as painting a picture.

6. Take a trip down memory lane.
While your loved one’s memories may not always be clear, looking through old photo albums can stir up memories and feelings from the past, and are a great opportunity for you to share your memories and fond reminiscences. It’s possible that your loved one will remember some of the events in the photos, but even if not, sitting together with you and hearing your voice will be meaningful and enjoyable. If your loved one does share memories or stories, listen and ask questions. You may also wish to keep a pen and paper close by to write down any gems that you hadn’t heard before.

Chrissy says to remember that, while having these activities in-hand will give you ideas on how to keep a rainy day from being boring, unplanned or spontaneous activities can be meaningful, too. “There are so many opportunities to create meaningful moments at any point of any day,” she says. “They don’t have to be big, fancy projects – in fact, small activities like baking cookies, making the bed, doing light housekeeping or watching the birds can provide rich opportunities for you and your loved one to spend time together and make memories.”

When it comes to creating activities for your loved one with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia, remember to keep them brief and simple. Pay attention to how your loved one is reacting or feeling that day, and adjust activities accordingly. Several short activities throughout a day will be more beneficial and enjoyable than one long, complicated project.

Peace of Mind for Cape Cod Seniors and Their Families

Bridges® by EPOCH at Mashpee provides memory care assisted living that is comfortable, positive, safe and engaging. Exclusively dedicated to caring for those with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, our community creates a wellness-focused lifestyle that promotes dignity, respects individual preferences and makes a truly positive impact on the lives of our residents each and every day.

Dedicated Memory Care

Bridges® by EPOCH at Mashpee offers compassionate dementia care and unique programs that are tailored to meet the physical, cognitive and emotional needs of each resident – throughout every stage of disease progression. Residents can age in place comfortably and with dignity, while families gain peace of mind.

Supportive, Engaging Services

At Bridges® by EPOCH at Mashpee, we offer a program of care and services that celebrates life and supports individual strengths. Our compassionate and engaging approach adapts to the unique challenges and individuality of each resident. Our memory care professionals receive specialized and ongoing training designed to help residents maximize their independence in a secure, calm environment.

Contact us today to learn more.

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