Gene boosts memory

gene boosts memory Researchers from the Gladstone Institute and the University of California, San Francisco recently discovered that a variant of the KL gene helps improve learning and memory. The variant, KL-VS, increases levels of the protein klotho in the bloodstream and brain, boosting cognition. Approximately 20 percent of the population carries the variant.

Researchers had previously discovered that the gene variant has anti-aging effects and promotes longevity for those who carry it. Given that aging is a risk factor for cognitive decline, including memory impairment, the researchers wanted to know how an anti-aging gene impacts cognition.

In aging studies of more than 700 people, participants who carried the gene variant scored higher on cognitive tests than those without it. In follow-up studies, the researchers found that klotho benefits the brain regardless of age. This means the protein can potentially increase cognitive reserve throughout someone’s life. This is a significant finding because high cognitive reserve—the brain’s level of resistance to disease or injury—can help delay or slow dementia symptoms.

It’s important to note that carrying KL-VS cannot prevent age-related cognitive decline, but it can help mitigate the effects. Because people who carry the variant experience a boost in cognition, they also begin cognitive decline from a higher point of cognitive ability. 

The researchers suggest that their findings, published in the journal Cell Reports, provide a new direction for Alzheimer’s research. Since klotho appears to improve cognitive function and increase cognitive reserve, raising klotho levels for people at risk for dementia could help lower their risk.

Meanwhile, there are steps you can take to boost your cognitive reserve—stay mentally active by pursuing continuing education opportunities or learning how to play an instrument, speak another language, or any other skill new and unfamiliar to you. 

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /

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